Bedding Issue?

If you didn't fool with the screws from target to target, why would you think this is the issue. Give me a call at 214-773-9010 if you want. I developed the bedding system that the Rotex stocks use and am a believer in the middle screw. All of this depends on the bedding being correct. There is a procedure I use to check the bedding using the screws I can go over with you. Too damn much to type it all out.
I have a Rotex stock and would like to know if setting action torque with tuner installed setting tuner to 0 first is best? I had an original tuner setting of 167 and action at 30/30. I worked up to 45/45 that gave roundest group. I then turned tuner 5 at a tine up past 207 then backed down to 206 that gave least vertical. Is what I did OK?